The policy of the school is that the children are not allowed to have mobile phones of any sort in the school. This is on the basis of health, as there are established links between mobile phones and radiation. Also, there is the added, though admittedly unlikely, risk of theft. In addition there is the element of distraction and disturbance they introduce to the school in general.
Cyber bullying is also a risk that we wish to prevent, or at least minimize.


Any child who is found in possession of a mobile phone, will have it confiscated, to be returned when the child is going home that evening. Repeat offenders will have their phone confiscated for a week, or more. It will only be returned to a parent who comes in to the school to retrieve it.


With regard to teachers, mobile phones should not be used, except where absolutely necessary. Even then, they should only be used to take/make calls in an open area, well away from where the children are, so as to minimise the risk to the pupils.


The only exception to this ban on mobile phones is the day of a school tour, when children may need to contact home in the event that the bus may be earlier or later than expected.


A notice will be displayed within the school building to the effect of this policy document.


Parents may at times be notified of school closures or various events by text message by the Principal.