Scór na bPaístí 2024

As usual, we wanted to take part in Scór na bPáistí, to showcase our talents. The last 4 weeks have seen lots of acting, singing and music in the 5th & 6th class room, as we prepared for the big day.

Sheena was first up, in Solo Singing, and she repeated her feat from last year, by winning again. Maith thú Sheena!

Next up we had our Ballad Groups. First, were Jonah, Eoghan, James and Keelan – Taylor couldn’t make it, despite practising diligently for weeks. They sang “Oh My Johnny” by Chasing Abbey, and the crowd loved them. They were followed by Amber, Anna and Sheena, who performed “Down By The Sally Gardens.” Their sweet rendition also went down well with the audience – and the judges. Bothe groups placed in the top 3. Well done gang!!

We had 2 Novelty Acts. The first was a mime, featuring Zoe, Michael, Leo and Keelan. This went excellently, and got great reactions from the audience. The second Novelty Act – “Making the Team” – included Eoghan, Anna, Danielle, James, Rebecca and Jonah, and the highlight was seeing Eoghan and Jonah in their sparkly, glittery dancing tops!! Once again, both groups featured highly on the judges’ score cards. Ar fheabhas ar fad, a pháistí.

Our last foray on to the stage was our 2 Music Groups. First, Anna, Amber and Sophie performed, and performed well; while Jonah, James, Eoghan, Keelan and Michael also entertained with their piece.

All in all, a great night, and a great end to what was a great Friday for Lisaniskey NS.

Click here to see the Girls’ Music Group

Click here to see the Boys’ Music Group

Click here to see the Boys’ Ballad Group

Click here  to see the “Silent Robbery” Novelty Act

Scór na bPáistí 2024