Scór na nÓg 2018

Following the great time we had in Scór na bPáistí, and the great success we had, we entered in to Scór na nÓg with our Figure Dancers, our Ballad Group and our Léiriú Stáitse. Despite all competitiors being from Lisaniskey NS, the competitions were under the umbrella of Oran club. We were “on stage on Saturday night” as Séamus might say, and on home soil, down in Ballinaheglish Community Centre, and with places in the County final at stake, we had to be at the top of our game. The bar had risen from Scór na bPáistí, as our dancers had a more complex routine to perform, our Ballad Group had to sing two songs instead of one, and our Léiriú group were subject to time limits and penalties. But, never ones to be cowed or intimidated, we stepped up to the plate, and put our best feet forward. Come the end of the night, when the results were announced, there were scenes of joy and jubilation as Oran had progressed to the County Finals. What a great year it’s been for Oran, getting to so many County finals! Here’s hoping we do well. Hope to see you all in the Dean Crowe Theatre in Athlone on Sunday Dec 9th. Thanks to all the parents who helped out with our rehearsals over the last few weeks. Sorry, but you’re not finished yet!!